Ordering Guide
The best way to place an order with us is online. Start searching for your medications now or read our guide on how to place an order.
If at anytime you need more help, feel free to contact one of our agents.
Toll Free Calls: 1-866-799-3435 (Quote Order Code 6500 When Speaking)
Toll Free Fax: 1-866-793-2987
2. Complete & Sign Form
3. Submit the form including a copy of your doctor's prescription(s) by:
Fax: 1-866-793-2987 or
Email: SaveRxCanada.to
Your order is now confirmed and has been sent for processing. If required, please fax or email the prescription(s) associated to your order. If your prescriptions are already on file with SaveRxCanada.to, then no further action is required.